Meghan Ashley
Welcome to MeghanLand

New Blog!
"Welome to MeghanLand"
~ A geek girl in a Hollywood world ~
I have a new Blog everyone! This is very exciting because of how personal it is. ME! I know, I know, I really aught to be more modest about it but I just can't! And it's about, wait for it...
A geek girl in a Hollywood world!
(applause, sound of trumpets, the people rejoice)
You want to know what it's like to walk in my crazy shoes? Follow my blog and I'll take you along for the ride. Keep all you hands and arms inside at all times, and awaaaay we go!

I'm filming my first fiilm! I am writting, producing, and starring in "Geek In Wolf's Clothing". A short film about a geeky video game coder girl, named Joe, who has to become a CIA opperative in order to avenge her brother's death!

I had the opportunity to film an awesome new webseries, a Batman spinoff even, called "Batgirled:Spoiled" where I got to play POISON IVY. I am so geeking out! Follow us on Facebook @ Batgirl The Webseries, and Twitter @BatgirlSpoiled for all the updates and loads of fun.
The web site is up at www.
Get in on the next cult hit on the internet, our fan base is blowing through the roof!
Copyright 2015 No Meghans were harmed in the making of this site.